With ISO 50 tool store for 96 tool positions. Manufactured in 1991, Serial No. MAC R708159.
Total overhaul at the end of 2008 consisting of: thorough rectification of the mechanical parts with replacement of worn parts, substitution of electric cabinet, plus electric system to CE standards, retrofitting with Heidenhain 530 CNC.
Stroke of axes:
X axis = 6000 mm
Y axis = 1600 mm
Z axis = 1300 mm
Maximum speed 15000 mm/min.
Spindle: ISO 50, DIN 69871
“B2” headstock with two axes
“A” axis = 190 positions (every 1°)
“B” axis = 360 positions (every 1°)
Maximum spindle rotation speed: 3000 rpm.
Spindle power: 25 kW
Range change: 2 ranges
Two rotating and traversing modules having the following characteristics:
– W axis stroke 1300 mm;
– Rotary table with 1400×1600 mm plate (continuous axis);
– Renishaw sensor for “B2” headstock.